Chic Outlet Shopping 购物村“马上”登陆苏州


年对于中国消费者而言将是幸运的一年。比斯特购物村(Bicester Village)的开发商唯泰集团在中国的第一个项目——奕欧来苏州将正式开幕,届时为中国消费者提供全新的购物旅游体验。


今年五月十五日,著名的购物天堂比斯特购物村的开发商和运营商唯泰将在历史文化名城苏州开设其在中国的第一家精品旅游购物村。在中国,唯泰启用“奕欧来”为其品牌名称,并建立了域名为 的官方网站。

据悉,奕欧来苏州的设计主题取材于丝绸之路,而进驻其中的品牌将与比斯特购物村“不相上下”——在比斯特购物村,Alexander McQueen、Dior、Prada、Burberry 和 Celine 的非当季产品以“诱人的价格”俘获了无数购物者的钱袋。



上个月,去欧洲 Chic Outlet Shopping® 购物村的游客们获得了农历新年的新春祝福和特别优惠。

新春祝福包括一张 Chic Outlet Shopping® 欧洲推出的电子贺年卡。该卡的动画设计不仅体现了唯泰旗下九大欧洲购物村的雅致和风尚,同时也融入了即将开放的两座中国购物村的全新建筑风格。奕欧来苏州以马可波罗的东方之旅为灵感,展示了中西合璧的理念,而奕欧来上海则将添上 Art Deco 的气韵。



Chic Outlet Shopping Saddles Up in Suzhou

The Year of the Horse will be a revolutionary one for shoppers in China as Value Retail, the creators of Bicester Village, bring their shopping tourism concept to the mainland with their first destination opening in Suzhou.

Eighty per cent of Chinese tourists to the UK visit Bicester Village and the eight other Chic Outlet Shopping® destinations in Europe also attract thousands of Chinese visitors every year.

Visitors to the European Chic Outlet Shopping villages during January will be greeted with good wishes and promotions for the Chinese New Year, which begins on January 31st. Among the offerings is a charming electronic greeting card created by Chic Outlet Shopping® in Europe that captures the elegant aesthetic that has made Value Retail’s shopping destinations so successful.

The card also reveals the architectural style of the two China destinations, with Suzhou sporting a Venetian aesthetic inspired by Marco Polo’s travels to China along the Silk Road and Shanghai having an art deco sensibility.

All of The Fashionable Truth‘s team are thrilled by the prospect of going style shopping in Suzhou, which is fast becoming of the most interesting places to visit in China after Beijing and Shanghai.

With Value Retail promising that their Suzhou destination will have a mix of brands that are representative of those in Bicester Village – and with its Yang Cheng Lake location being set up to have a rich mix of gastronomy, entertainment and culture – it’s bound to be a resounding Gong Xi Fa Cai! for Chinese style seekers.