Italian brand Tod’s may be many things – comfortable, chic, elegant – but they have rarely been known for cutting-edge fashion.
That may change now that Alessandra Facchinetti has become the Marche-based leather goods company’s creative director, with wide powers to move the brand in new directions. The news was announced last evening (February 20) in Milan as the city’s Fall Winter 2013 Women’s RTW fashion week began.

A model presents a creation by Italian designer Alessandra Facchinetti for Valentino during Fall-Winter 2009 Haute Couture collection show in Paris.
Fachinetti has had spells at Miu Miu and Valentino and her work at the latter was much admired. “It’s a good choice. An Italian brand with an Italian designer who understands the lifestyle,” said Tod’s affable chief Diego Della Valle.
“I think she is ready for a new adventure.” And that she will get, especially as her last gig was with low-budget brand Pinko, which is not known for its couture sensibilities or passion for craftsmanship. The appointment will fuel speculation that Tod’s will further expand its range beyond Gommino shoes, ballet flats and D bags.
There is no word on whether Facchinetti will have a runway show when she launches her first collection for SS 2014 in September. Whether she is allowed or even encouraged to start creating frocks – one can imagine Kate Middleton would love a Tod’s dress by Fachinetti – her direction with the brand will benefit from the attention to detail that she picked-up at Valentino.
As Della Valle tells us: “Her passion for detail and her dedication to the research of the materials and manufacturing make her perfect for our brand.” That passion can be seen in the images here, from Facchinetti’s work at Valentino.
在大众眼中,意大利品牌Tod’s的产品可以用舒适、新潮、典雅等词来形容,但一般不会用到“尖端时尚”等词语。等等,你的想法可能马上就out了。二月二十日正值米兰2013年秋冬季成衣时装周伊始,有消息称Alessandra Facchinetti被任命为该品牌的创意总监,并为这个扎根意大利马尔凯地区的皮具品牌开创新的发展方向。Facchinetti曾效力于Miu Miu与Valentino两大品牌,他执掌后者时期的作品广受追捧。Tod’s的负责人Diego Della Valle表示:“我觉得这会是珠联璧合,意大利设计师才能体悟到意大利品牌的底蕴与精髓。何况她也一直在等待着一个挑战。”不错,Facchinetti应该是在小池塘中闷坏了,因为她之前所在的品牌Pinko预算小,对高端时尚品味不敏感,而且对精致做工没有很高的讲究。她最新任命的消息一石激起千层浪,坊间沸沸扬扬地传出Tod’s会将产品范围扩大到Tod’s开车鞋(Gommino shoes)、芭蕾舞鞋(ballet flats)和D Bag之外的猜测。但至今还不能肯定Facchinetti会否在今年9月份的2014春夏系列时装周中开设自己的秀场,而她是否将把裙子加入到Tod’s的设计范围内现在也不得而知。但可以预测的是其注重细节的设计特点将会融入到Tod’s的品牌血液中。Della Valle就表示:“她对细节的不懈追求与对材料力求完美的态度对我们的品牌大有裨益。”大家不妨在此欣赏一下Facchinetti曾经在Valentino的作品。