Gun play by PPQ

James Bond never goes anywhere without his Walther PPK pistol but for secret agent femme fatales, PPQ makes a better trio of alphabet crackers, and the latest collection from Amy Molyneaux and Percy Parker is a hot spicy soup with crisp silhouettes and geometric tailoring.

The PPQ collection was one of the first at London Fashion Week Autumn Winter 2013 and according to the design duo it “…looks to the surrealist world to create hand crafted textures for a world of evening wear.” PPQ were originally an insider secret with the fashion, pop and movie world, beloved by Kirsten Dunst, Keira Knightley, Jade Jagger, Adele and Lily Allen.

It’s clothing with attitude, as befits a duo who are deeply involved with the London music scene. In the year ahead PPQ will launch their much-anticipated Denim line and their online store, bringing their rock chic looks to anyone who has an Internet connection.

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詹姆斯·邦德的瓦尔特PPK手枪永不离手,而对于深入敌营的女特工来说,PPQ性感而利落的装束便是最好的贴身装备。由Amy Molyneaux和Percy Parker打造的PPQ的最新系列中,身形矫健的剪裁搭配着时尚的几何图案。PPQ在2013伦敦秋冬季时装秀中位于首场,时装秀结束后这对拍档在画廊中举行庆功会,表示此系列“是超现实主义世界中的晚礼服”。PPQ曾是时尚达人、影视娱乐圈中不外传的专用品牌,深受Kirsten Dunst、Keira Knightley、Jade Jagger、Adele与Lily Allen的喜爱,亦为伦敦音乐界所追捧。一年内,PPQ将推出万众期待的牛仔系列,并创立网店。不难预料,它的特色摇滚风将顺着互联网流行于全世界。