Boilersuits on the catwalks from Christian Dior, Richard Nicoll and Chloé
Ghostbusters? On the Style pages? Bear with us. The 80s classic might not seem like the most fashionable of film references but, with its 30th anniversary prompting a rerelease this year, and a new film looming, it’s time to reassess the sartorial influence of the guys who saved Manhattan from the Marshmallow Man. Forget Sigourney Weaver’s line in possessed seduction, or Janine the secretary’s collection of statement earrings, and focus on the boys. It’s all about the boilersuit right now. The work uniform of Venkman, Stantz and Spegler is the insider choice to adopt this autumn.
Yes, we know what you’re thinking – we’ve been here before. The jumpsuit and all-in-one has gone from something edgy to become a fashion staple in the past decade. They’ve been written about here and worn by celebrities with wildly varying personal styles, Victoria Beckham to Lena Dunham. But the boilersuit is different – it’s cooler. Less like an evening option for people who prefer to wear trousers, the loose fit and industrial colour palette make it a trickier sell. And what does that mean? It’s far more fashion. Read more.