Zac Posen is ready for his close up

Zac Posen is fulfilling the promise of his enormous talent, and he’s doing it with style.

Zac Posen is a fabulously successful 20-something designer who has also been a judge on the ubiquitous Project Runway show. His work is worn by the richly famous and the famously rich, plus he is uncompromising about the quality of his collection.

There are Rolls Royces that are built with less attention to detail and loving craftsmanship than a Zac Posen gown. And yet his soaring designs with their impeccable attention to detail cannot be faulted.

Posen creates gowns that make a body look amazing and like other designers at NYFW 2013 Fashion week he composed a collection where texture was a key part of a look that was (as usual) inspired by the movies, especially film noir and included many pieces that will soon be sprouting on red carpets.

With the Academy Awards around the corner I would not be surprised if some of these dresses were not en route to Los Angeles the moment they left the catwalk, where they would have been like fashion Prozac to any Oscar nominee fearful of looking like a frump.

Posen’s palette was rich with deep autumnal hues and will make women with pale, pale skin look like Medici princesses, but for those without a Medici budget New York also saw the launch of Zac Posen, the designer’s new diffusion line. Think Kim Novak, think Grace Kelly, think “I must have one.”

Zac Posen



Zac Posen不想招人喜欢都难。30来岁的他已经是一位享有盛名的设计师,现在又跻身Project Runway的评审团之列,其作品一直受到非富即贵人士的大力追捧。不过这确实是实至名归:他对作品力求完美,据说他的晚礼服比劳斯莱斯还更注重细节,每件作品都完美无瑕,使身体线条显得修长而优雅。2013年秋冬季纽约时装秀的重点在于衣服的质感,而Posen在秀场上的表现没有让人失望。他再次从黑色电影(包括即将在各种颁奖典礼中出现的电影)中寻找灵感,呈现出一套奢华感十足的作品。我敢大胆地猜测,其中一些如今已经在运往奥斯卡颁奖典礼的路上了。Posen的此系列作品拥有浓郁的深秋颜色,让皮肤白嫩的女性看起来像位美第奇的公主。没有美第奇公主的钱包?没关系,Posen推出的新时装线Zac Zac Posen也是潮人佳选。