Chloë Sevigny’ s church service


Chloë Sevigny is a self-elected “cool-chick” whose chill status has been confirmed by a large and blogiferous following combined with her role as a Hollywood star and a designer for Opening Ceremony, which was founded in 2002 by Carol Lim and Humberto Leon after a trip to the 852 (yes, Hong Kong can be an amazingly inspiring place).

The latest CS for OC collection, part of New York’s FW 2013 fashion week, was unveiled at St. Marks Church-In-The-Bowery, a building with a storied-history that includes Patti Smith’s debut. The event was more like a rock concert twinned with a student demonstration, the models dancing in their CS for OC clothes as five bands played in a round-robin style and placards were waved.

It was all a bit like an early Vivienne Westwood show but the clothes were lively, the silhouette being markedly retro or – to be less polite – ripped straight from the 1960s and 70s. Despite the obvious hippy references the pieces looked fresh and fun with instant appeal for those of an East Village frame of mind.  They do well in lower Manhattan, Harajuku and maybe even Hong Kong, where Lane Crawford stocks the line.



Chloë Sevigny是位自命不凡的潮女。她的自信来源于博客界的争相追捧、好莱坞的峥嵘岁月与为Opening Ceremony而设计的成功时装。Opening Ceremony是Carol Lim与Humberto Leon在游历香港的“852”时尚精品店门市后,于2002年创建的。该精品商店的最新系列被收录于2013纽约秋冬季时装秀中,刚刚亮相于Bowery街的St. Marks教堂。此教堂有着传奇历史,当年摇滚乐泰斗Patti Smith的首秀即选址于此。而如今的时装秀似乎也弥漫着摇滚音乐会的味道,感觉类似早期的Vivienne Westwood秀场:模特们穿着Opening Ceremony的衣服组成了五人乐队,像是进行循环演奏,秀场中甚至还能看到演唱会中常见的标语牌。Opening Ceremony的服装大都走怀旧风,不客气点儿说似乎照搬六、七十年代的作品风格,但它们新奇有趣,通俗搞怪,所以在日本原宿和曼哈顿下城等品味多元的地方很受欢迎。甚至香港也喜欢这类作品,Opening Ceremony的衣服在连卡佛便找得到。